Tomorrow’s the Day

I have been planning for this for some time.

I am participating in a JDRF funded research study for the Artificial Pancreas.  Crazy, I know.  Who, in their right mind, CHOOSES to participate in a research study?  Well I do.  And maybe I’m not in my right mind, but I have been living with  T1D for almost 30 years and BOTH of my children are producing 2 of 4 antibodies known to kill islet cells and cause T1D.  So, maybe I’m not in my right mind, but I choose research.

Technically, this study is the combination of multiple medical devices already on the market: Continuous Glucose Meter (CGM) and Insulin Pumps, (2 are used, 1 for insulin and 1 for glucagon) that are networked together with a computer algorithm that controls the pumps based on the information from the CGM’s.

But what this really is, is something greater.  I am participating in this study to feel, for the first time in 30 years, what its like not to worry about what my blood sugar is.

In case you didn’t catch that the first time….From Friday at 12 noon to Sunday at 6pm I will not have to worry about what my blood sugar is.  Let that soak in for a minute…………………….

Now that is something.

I will get into the details of what the Artificial Pancreas is, what it means to me, and what it can mean to all of those currently living with Type 1 Diabetes.  Follow along and find out what is happening for those already with T1D, for those who are at increased risk, and to cure T1D.

8 thoughts on “Tomorrow’s the Day

  1. Mike – Thank you! You continue to be an inspiration! I look forward to reading your updates! I’m also looking forward to riding with you again soon!

  2. As I read this I am slightly jealous. With my current journey towards a healthier me and a wt. Loss to date of 42 lbs my bs is crazy out of wack!!! Trying desp

    trol it. Then this

  3. Sorry…then I read this. After being diagnosed April 3 1980 I cannot even fathom a day where I did not need to worry about my diabetes. Let alone 3 days!! Please post Everything youare feeling so the rest of us can know!! Thank you for doing this for ALL of us. Love you Mike!!!

  4. This is really a great step! I remember at camp having the discussion if you could be cured, would you? Most of us said no. It was a part of us. After 30 years won’t a part of you miss it? Not in a traditional sense, but won’t there be a part of you wanting to check your sugar out of habit? Kind of like breaking up with an abusive partner, you still miss the part of them that had become normal as destructive as it was. I’m interested in the emotional impact as well. I wish you the best of luck!

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