What is Mikes Miles

Mikes Miles is the efforts of myself (Mike) and my family to raise awareness and funds for Type 1 Diabetes.  I am living with T1D, and have been since my diagnosis on November 26th, 1982.  This also means that my family has lived with this autoimmune disease as well.  Our experiences are different, but similarly powerful and impactful to our lives.

80 people per day are diagnosed with T1D, and we want to be a resource for those who are newly diagnosed.  We want to be a resource for those who we know and connect with on a daily basis for when the time comes when they unfortunately are diagnosed.

We also choose to work and fund raise for the JDRF, who has been the greatest financial supporter of T1D research since 1970.  Many of the advancements in care, prevention and knowledge for the eventual cure have come from JDRF funded research.

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