Setting the bar high, let’s see how the AP does.
Category Archives: Research
My Weekend Accomodations
Artificial Pancreas – And it starts
Artificial Pancreas – Friday AM (time for more coffee)
Last meal before I go in. I stayed in the Navy Yard last night and there is a bistro with lots of coffee and some good breakfast sandwiches.
I had intended on getting up and going for a run, but considering my excitement level, and therefore, lack of sleep……I’m on plan B.
So I am sitting here listening to the talking heads discuss the future of America. D or R, and which guy is going to be the best option for all.
I’m not going to discuss politics here. T1D affects everyone. 40 kids and 40 adults are diagnosed every day in the US. Race, socio economic status, no matter.
What I will mention is how we have gotten to the point where we consistently receive significant funding from the federal government.
The JDRF has great volunteers who call on, and set meetings with our representatives across the US. They discuss what T1D is, the research from JDRF for the 3 legs of focus: cure, prevent and treatment. They review the financial burden that T1D is on the healthcare system and what it costs to fund the research that will improve care and outcomes for those with T1D, decreasing the burden on our healthcare system.
These facts alone do no secure the funding JDRF receives from the federal government.
What secures this funding, year after year, is how strong of support JDRF receives from the families of those with T1D. The grassroots efforts of these families, their determination, and ultimately, the amount of money raised at the grassroots level is what the federal government looks at. They see the numbers of people and their dedication to solve this problem, and they believe that JDRF folks are going to provide for a return on the investment of the federal government.
The point is, we have to keep fighting at the ground level. We have to take ownership of our management, but in addition, we have to take ownership of the solution.
Why would, why should, anyone else fight for us if we don’t fight for ourselves?
Ok, enough of my non-linear thoughts for now. Time to get to he hospital and kick the tires. Not supposed to be there until 10…..think they’ll mind if I get there early and take the AP for a spin?
First….more coffee.
Artificial Pancreas – Friday AM Thoughts
Probably too early to go to Mass General to get started w/ the study.